Saturday, March 30, 2013


Wow. Dad is grumpy today. No matter how grouchy he gets, he is still hilarious. He cannot stop talking about food and today he informed us the first thing he wanted was a blueberry waffle. That's quite possibly the most random thing I have ever heard. I don't know that I have ever seen him eat one in my life.

He went to therapy for four hours today yet he cannot remember one minute of it. He keeps telling everyone he slept through the whole thing which I know is a lie because I came to check on him a few times while I was at work and he was away all morning. His breathing sounds terrible today. His lungs are clearly full of junk so we keep telling him to cough. Despite our badgering, he keeps complaining about the breathing of the person in the next room. He is so annoyed about everything: his feeding tube, his Trach, toileting, us visiting, us leaving... It's so funny because it's so unlike him.

They are still running the anticoagulants for his blood clots but they have not scanned them since we left the ICU so we really have no idea what's going on with them. The team does not seem super worried about them so we are choosing not to worry about them. A very amazing thing happened today though, Dad got his knees back! His legs became so swollen while he was sedated they were nearly as wide as my waist. He had absolutely no sign of a knee cap whatsoever. That being said, his ankles are still looking like he is twenty months pregnant.

It looks like he will have a fairly slow Sunday with only one therapy session. Lets hope he remembers it! Happy Easter (or Valentines- that's what my Dad said earlier today)!


  1. I love the picture Che' of you and Judd. He looks so good! Thank you for writing the blog. I love reading it. We are praying for all of you everyday. Happy Easter! We have so much to be grateful for. Love Lisa

  2. "Oscar" is lookin like his 'ol self! Wow! I'm so amazed how great he's doing. A miracle to say the least! Still sending love and prayers.

  3. Che', my wife Linda and I would like to wish you and your family a Very Happy Easter! Such amazing progress! Hard to even imagine that this is the same man who was just a very short time ago was in a coma here in Idaho Falls! That's the thing about fighters like your Dad, its hard to hold them down once they feel half decent! Keep up the good work all of you. Judd, hit next weeks rehab like its the beginning of potato harvest! P.S. Che', thanks so much for the posts, they mean so much to so many and they will have a very big meaning later for you Dad.

  4. WOW, Judd look SO GREAT! We're still praying for his speedy recovery and prayers of thanks for where he's at. What a HANDSOME guy he is! Fun piture with you two, thanks for keeping us updated, you're all in our thoughts and prayers. What a wonderful Easter day it is! Love you, Mike and Kim

  5. So good to see that half crooked smile!! Hugs today and HAPPY EASTER!! ♥
